Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Level 2 cake

This is the only cake we made in my Level 2 classes. We spent the first 3 weeks making the flowers, and this week we made and assembled the cake. I have a bunch of leftover icing, so I need to find something else to make this weekend.


Melanie said...

That looks really nice... I am sure you can come up with something fun to make with your extra icing! Good work! Are you going to take another class?

Lee and Amy said...

I am signed up for Level 3, hoping it doesn't get canceled.
How are you liking you class? Are you going to take Level 2?

Becky Abbate said...

that is really cool Amy. I wouldn't even know where to begin. I love to bake, but my icing skills leave a lot to be desired..lol. Tony is actually the expert icer in our house. :)