Tuesday, December 9, 2008

3 attempts at Xmas pictures

Here are some pictures we took of Kellen to use on our Xmas card. We tried 3 different days, and we were very frustrated. But we finally got some good ones! You'll just have to wait and see what we actually used!


Beth & Brian said...

The first one is my fave!

The B's said...

I personally like the "butt" shot of him crawling away! :) Can't wait to see what pic made the cut! Hope you had fun the rest of Saturday night!

~Chris~ said...

Those are really cute!

Toni said...

We went throught the same thing with Cole last year, and I swear it is like herding cats! He just did not want to stay where we out him.
I can't wait to see which one you guys picked!