Tuesday, December 30, 2008

A big day!

Lee saw Kellen take 2 or 3 steps tonight. I was cleaning the kitchen and missed it! I also started weaning Kellen today. I am not letting down frequently and have to end up giving Kellen a bottle at least once a day. This has been happening for about a week, so today I dropped the 2pm feeding, where it was happening most frequently. We'll see how it goes!

Sunday, December 28, 2008

Kellen and his water bottle

Kellen wanted to hold my empty water bottle while he was eating his grapes at dinner. We thought it was cute!

Saturday, December 27, 2008

More Xmas Pics

The pictures below are Kellen eating Xmas dinner at my grandparents house, eating a vacuum cleaner at Lee's mom's, and opening presents at our house Xmas morning. Here is one of Kellen with his stocking, Lee helping Kellen open presents at my grandparents, and Kellen playing with one of his presents Christmas Eve, when we hosted Lee's dad and Sue, Tim, Dana and Maddox. We had 4 Christmas's if you count our own Xmas morning!

Christmas Pics

Kellen and Molly

I thought this was a cute pic of Kellen and Molly. They both like to look out the window at the creek below!

Saturday, December 13, 2008

Kellen's snowmen friends

Playing with this musical Hallmark decoration is Kellen's favorite thing right now. I'm crossing my fingers that this video works!

Tuesday, December 9, 2008

3 milestones in 24 hours

Kellen has started feeding us his puffs, dancing to his musical toys and waving bye bye and hi. All of this just since last night! He's growing up so fast.

3 attempts at Xmas pictures

Here are some pictures we took of Kellen to use on our Xmas card. We tried 3 different days, and we were very frustrated. But we finally got some good ones! You'll just have to wait and see what we actually used!

A busy weekend

Friday we went to see my friend Michelle's new baby, Kenadie. She's a cutie, and only a week old when we dropped by. Then we visited the Benson's and saw their new baby, Beau, who was almost 4 weeks old.

Saturday we went to the Big 12 game, and it was freezing! Much colder than the MU game the weekend before. Kellen spent the first night away from us, at my Mom and Dad's and he did great!

Tuesday, December 2, 2008

The First Thanksgiving

Kellen enjoyed his first Thanksgiving. Thanks to my mom for hosting it! Here are some pics.

Kellen also waved bye bye for the first time on Thanksgiving. Well, kinda.

Tuesday, November 25, 2008


Here's Kellen after his bath drying off with his new frog towel.

Tuesday, November 18, 2008

The escape artist

Sunday night as I was cooking dinner in the kitchen, I put Kellen in the exersaucer in the dining room. Next thing I know, Kellen is crawling to me in the kitchen. He learned how to crawl out! We are lucky he didn't fall down the stairs as we don't have a gate in the dining room.

I videotape taped him today doing it again. I'm having trouble uploading it but I'll try again tomorrow.

Hat Days

I put the white hat on Kellen because we went on a walk, and it was pretty chilly. Kellen was in the bundle me in the stroller, but I wanted something to cover his head. The white hat is sized 3-6 months, but I hadn't found a winter hat I liked yet, so it was all I had. I thought he looked pretty funny!

The Chiefs hat was on during a game that Lee and Kellen watched together.

Thursday, November 13, 2008

4 teeth!

Kellen had another tooth break through this morning. We're up to 4, and I think there are two more coming in on the top. Guess it's time for me to start brushing them!

Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Election Day - A True Patriot

My mom came over today and wanted some pictures of Kellen in front of the Obama sign. She brought some flags, which were a nice touch.

"Don't you know the right way to hold a flag is in your mouth?"
"How many stars and stripes are there again?"

"I just got a text from the Obama campaign!"

Monday, November 3, 2008

Obama Baby

Kellen and I want to urge everyone to vote tomorrow - but only if you are voting for Barack Obama!! Ha. This picture of Kellen with his Obama sticker is from a few months back (pre-haircut). Not sure who Lee is voting for, but he'll probably say McCain just to tick me off!
Kellen and I will be doing the environmental thing and walking to our polling place tomorrow. Let's hope the line is not too long.

Sunday, November 2, 2008

Puppy Love

Kellen was a puppy for his first Halloween! He went Trick or Treating at the Grandmas' houses. Lee and I both wish he were the only puppy we had...Lee especially.

The Pumpkin Patch

Working 9 to 5

Kellen and I met Lee for lunch last week. Here are some pictures of Kellen helping Dad in his office!

After lunch we stopped by Webster House, one of Lee's old projects, to show off Kellen. Here is Lee and Kellen in front of the building.

Kellen is sleeping though the night!

It only took 9 months, but it finally happened! 3 nights in a row! Not getting woken up 3 times a night has been a dream to me, since I like my sleep. I wish we had Ferberized him months ago...it was very easy.

Now I am just hoping Kellen will still be sleeping until 8 am regardless of Day Light Savings time. Then I can get up and work out before he wakes up.

My first blog post

I finally caved into the pressure and started a blog! Now if I can only figure out how to load pictures...